(doesn´t include the accommodation and board)
The price includes:
The early bird price holds for applications and proofs of payment that arrive before 8th May.
(accommodation and board included)
The price includes:
The early bird price holds for applications and proofs of payment that arrive before 8th May.
DEADLINE for the fee transfer is 10th June. There are only 20 places available!
Your registration is valid after the transfer of the registration fee (please find the bank data below). We kindly ask you to send the proof of payment (screenshot/scan/photo) to clarinetproject@gmail.com.
Name of the Bank: Ceska Sporitelna
Account Number: 1940396329/0800
IBAN: CZ24 0800 0000 0019 4039 6329
Reference Number: 2023
Name of the Account Holder: Spolecnost koncertnich umelcu
Address: Radlicka 99, 150 00, Prague 5, Czech Republic
In case of COVID-19 cases, state of emergency of your country or any other related restrictions
we guarantee a full refund.